视觉艺术视觉 art class is offered once a week to students in grades K–8, while high school students can choose advanced visual art classes as electives. Art mediums used in all grade levels include:
我们的美术老师, 卡米尔Geraci, has been teaching visual art classes to students with learning differences at Stanbridge for more than a decade. As Camille notes, many students at our school are visual thinker and learners. For those who are not natural visual learners, art classes give those students a chance to process information and ideas in a new way, in a safe and supportive environment that expands their thinking and develops new abilities. Beyond creating art projects and pieces, our visual arts curriculum incorporates the standards of the Discipline Based Arts Education (DBAE)—meaning that students learn art aesthetics, 历史, 生产, and criticism as part of the curriculum. Art is a vital part of our overall program, as the classes help each student develop skills of:
Likewise, visual art classes help students develop skills in:
As an extracurricular activity, high school students are invited to participate in helping to design the yearbook and create its cover. 另外, afterschool clubs and summer school offerings have included cartooning, 面具, 摄影, 和更多的. You can read more about our summer school and afterschool 项目 here. |
戏剧和音乐Music classes are offered once a week to students in grades K–8, while high school students can choose theater and music classes as electives. Stanbridge offers a piano/keyboarding elective, as well as varying clubs, depending on student interest, which can include drama where students write and perform their own 生产s.
Students from all grade divisions are welcome to join the Stanbridge Choir as well as the Stanbridge Rock Band. These groups regularly perform at the annual Holiday Concert and "Spring Sing" assemblies. Extracurricular activities include DJ Club, whose members perform at Stanbridge's quarterly high school dances and prom; and other afterschool/summer school offerings have featured classes on music 生产, 嘻哈, 还有戏剧营. 在后者期间, students from all grade divisions spend two weeks during the summer writing an original play, creating the sets and costumes, then performing the 生产 for a live audience. 另外, all students are invited to participate in the annual Stanbridge Talent Show—a highlight of every school year that features a variety of different acts performed for students, 工作人员, 朋友, 和家人. 设计实验室Stanbridge recently added 设计实验室 as an elective course for high school students. Following the principles of the Maker Faire movement, Stanbridge's 设计实验室 is a showcase of invention, 创造力, and resourcefulness where students show what they are making, and share what they are learning. Students are often allowed to think and design creatively on projects of their own invention, while also working on specific pieces that highlight ingenuity and outside-the-box thinking, such as making cigar box guitars and building "battle bots." Read more about our newly-redesigned 技术 and 设计实验室s on the 技术 page of our website.